Saying Goodbye to 2019 and Welcome to 2020

Nothing stays the same. Two of our beloved members are off to college for new adventures. We miss them terribly but are ever so proud of all of their accomplishments. The world is truly enriched by both of them.


“No loss without some small gain.” We are very excited to introduce our two new members which are going to be a delightful addition to our club:

BeFunky-project Tor border BeFunky-project Zelli border


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2019 Lots of time in Bellevue Idaho!

2019 Found us spending a great deal of time (relatively) at Winter Sun Horse Park in Bellevue, Idaho. It seems we could not get enough of cross country jumping. We spent time schooling, competing in their Derby and riding at event rally! We also enjoyed several of Bell Mountain Farm’s schooling jumper shows in Bellevue, Idaho. Our girls had a great riding season.

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2018 Another great year!

It was a great year for our Club. Our kids accomplished much.  Lots of riding out in the open with some members getting to go on a Foxhunt with Red Rock Hounds in Nevada and some even going to the coast to ride. We found time to school cross country as a club at Winter Sun Horse Park and all our members had a marvelous time. Some even found time to take a last trail ride before winter set in and closed the trails for the season.

2019 Reese2019 Tulla 2019 Sheridan 2019 Isabelle 2019 Olivia 2019 Ivy Jean  2019 Hannah 2019 Foxhunting 2019 Ellie 2019 December 2019 Asha 2019 Abby 2019 back page 2019 Talli 2019 Thank you2018 Cover

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New Logo, New Colors for Portneuf!

Check out these beauties designed by Hannah!

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PVPC 2017 Calendar Sales

Portneuf Valley Pony Club’s 2017 Calendar is now on sale. A great big shout out to all of our Sponsors who have given so generously. With our sponsors help and your calendar purchase, we can continue to offer great educational and equestrian opportunities to our members.

Cover  2017



For more information or to purchase:
Diane Huskinson (208) 557-0404
Sharon Fern (208) 881-2031




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Foxhunting December 2015

Our Pony Club instructor, Stony Yakovac, has long had a fascination and enthusiasm for the sport of Foxhunting. After all, the United States Pony Club was founded in 1954 by a group of Foxhunters interested in providing sound, affordable instruction to all children. This winter our club made arrangements with the Red Rock Hounds & Equestrian Center to have some hands on exposure.  Our club was joined by Gambel Oaks Pony Club (Nevada) and Wasatch Pony Club (Utah).

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"Apple" - a favorite of all!

“Apple” – a favorite of all!


On a cold wintry Saturday in December our clubs convened at Red Rock Hounds & Equestrian center for a tour of their kennels graciously provided by several members of the Red Rock Hounds. We learned much about the hounds, hunting terminology, and the meticulous care that goes into managing over 100 hounds. The hounds were a delight to meet, all very beautiful, friendly and quite outgoing.

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The following Sunday morning we joined the Hunt for a car follow.  A car follow is a lovely introduction to the sport of Fox Hunting and it is great fun.  We followed in 4-wheel drive vehicles and were provided a Field Master mounted on a 4-wheeler to help escort us around the terrain and explain the events as they unfolded. Eventually the hounds and riders rode too fast and too far for us to continue following as they had picked up the scent of a coyote.  Not to worry, we had tremendous fun bouncing over the rough roads watching the hounds and horses while we were able.

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When all the horses and hounds returned to our starting point we all drove/ trailered back to the stables, the horses were tended to and then a lovely late luncheon was served up at the lodge.  Everyone involved had a fantastic time and we were so grateful for the efforts and hospitality of Lynn Lloyd and Angela Murray and all the members of the Red Rock Hounds.  It was truly a great adventure and we look forward to returning.

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Fun Times Oustside of Pony Club 2015

While Portneuf Valley Pony Club’s emphasis during the spring/ summer season is training, practicing, preparing for and attending Rallies, many of our members attend outside events.  Pony Club’s thorough program does a lovely job of enabling  our kids to succesfully attend other competitions.  Our kids quickly become competent and independent riders relieving parents of the job of “horse show parents.”  For our youngest members, participating in outside events can give them “some extra miles” to be better able to handle the rigors of Rallies.

This past winter  season during our un-mounted meetings  our members developed Pas de Deux tests.  It is a dressage test performed by two riders set to music.  During our mounted meetings the tests were practiced and further developed.  By the end of summer many of our riders became very serious about their Pas de Deux and wanted an opportunity to show off their hard work.  Mike and Christy Taylor of C&M Farm graciously added a class to their fall Dressage show to accommodate us.

Pas de Duex 3     Pas de Duex 2

Pas de Duex 1

Many of our members attended Clockwork Farms‘ annual Halloween show.  We even had some fellow pony clubbers from out of state come to the show!  How can you not have fun dressing you and your pony up in costume?

Indian Princess in the "Sit a Buck" class

Indian Princess

The "Rocket Pony" in 2'3" jumper class

The “Rocket Pony” in 2’3″ jumper class


Cosutme Class

Costume Class

Future "Law Enforcement" pony clubber

Future “Law Enforcement” pony clubber

Preparing the "Prisoner"

Preparing the “Prisoner”

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Games Day Invitational 2015

After all of the hard work of instruction, drilling, more practice, rally prep and going to rallies we enjoy celebrating the end of the season with a Games Day Invitational.  It is one of the times that we are able to open the club up to non-members and parents to join in the fun.  This year we experimented with some new games from the USPC Games Rule Book and kept some of our old favorites to have possibly the best games day yet!

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Egg and Spoon Race

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Even the “Big Kids” love the Egg and Spoon Race!







One of our new favorites is the Balloon Race. It involves teams of four riders racing around a pole, handing off a lance to teammates and the best part…popping balloons on horseback. It was terrific fun!

The Balloon Race

The Balloon Race


Pole bending is always a perennial favorite.  The matches and re matches went on and on.  Both horses and riders has great fun!

Pole Bending

Pole Bending


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More fun with Pole Bending






Another new favorite was the Hurdle Race.  Anything that involves getting wet has to be fun!  The game involves teams of four riders with riders dismounting, handing their ponies to their teammate whilst they go over and under hurdles lined with cups of water, remounting and dashing to the line to switch team members.  Fastest team wins!


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Quiz Rally 2015

This spring Portneuf Valley Pony Club took on the task of hosting Quiz Rally for the Intermountain Region.  Quiz was held at Bannock County Fairgrounds in Pocatello.  This enable us to have live horses in the Barn Phase for Pony Clubbers to demonstrate their skill and knowledge with.  Everyone loved this!

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Many clubs from the region helped to make Quiz a big success. Mega Room was provided by Buffalo Jump PC, Stations was put on by McCall PC and the barn phase was a combined effort from Pioneer and Wasatch Pony Clubs.  This does not even touch on all of the other volunteers from every attending club and several other willing and helpful volunteers. Lunch was catered by one of our own families; it was a delicious potato bar with all the trimmings. In spite of The World Cup in Las Vegas drawing many of our region’s members away, we had a marvelous rally with a nice turnout. A huge shout out to everyone that made Quiz so much fun!

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PVPC 2015 Calendar

Portneuf Valley Pony Club’s 2015 Calendar is now on sale.  A great big shout out to all of our Sponsors who have given so generously.  With our sponsors help and your calendar purchase, we can continue to offer great educational and equestrian opportunities to our members.

PVPC calendar cover


Calendars are $15 each.  Please add $5 for shipping and handling if you are outside of our delivery area.

For more information or to purchase:

Diane Huskinson (208) 557-0404 or email

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