Our Pony Club instructor, Stony Yakovac, has long had a fascination and enthusiasm for the sport of Foxhunting. After all, the United States Pony Club was founded in 1954 by a group of Foxhunters interested in providing sound, affordable instruction to all children. This winter our club made arrangements with the Red Rock Hounds & Equestrian Center to have some hands on exposure. Our club was joined by Gambel Oaks Pony Club (Nevada) and Wasatch Pony Club (Utah).
“Apple” – a favorite of all!
On a cold wintry Saturday in December our clubs convened at Red Rock Hounds & Equestrian center for a tour of their kennels graciously provided by several members of the Red Rock Hounds. We learned much about the hounds, hunting terminology, and the meticulous care that goes into managing over 100 hounds. The hounds were a delight to meet, all very beautiful, friendly and quite outgoing.
The following Sunday morning we joined the Hunt for a car follow. A car follow is a lovely introduction to the sport of Fox Hunting and it is great fun. We followed in 4-wheel drive vehicles and were provided a Field Master mounted on a 4-wheeler to help escort us around the terrain and explain the events as they unfolded. Eventually the hounds and riders rode too fast and too far for us to continue following as they had picked up the scent of a coyote. Not to worry, we had tremendous fun bouncing over the rough roads watching the hounds and horses while we were able.
When all the horses and hounds returned to our starting point we all drove/ trailered back to the stables, the horses were tended to and then a lovely late luncheon was served up at the lodge. Everyone involved had a fantastic time and we were so grateful for the efforts and hospitality of Lynn Lloyd and Angela Murray and all the members of the Red Rock Hounds. It was truly a great adventure and we look forward to returning.